How can you get thicker fuller hair just by drinking coffee?
For many people, their morning routine involves 2 things. Coffee and a shower. What if we told you that these two things can help one another in helping to give you thicker, healthier hair?
Treating your hair with conditioners, oils and other moisturizers is great. But treating your hair internally will help achieve the long shiny locks of your dreams.
With the right kinds of nutrition you can boost your hair growth. Be it though diet or supplements like biotin, zinc, protein and collagen.
According to dietician Trista Best,”You can easily improve the thickness and health of your hair by adding collagen peptides to your morning coffee or shake. Because digestion and absorption slow down throughout the day and into the evening, especially while sleeping, adding these to your morning routine ensures you are getting the optimal amount of the supplement."
Anyone looking to amp up their wellness, vamp up their hair, and get that morning caffeine fix can do it easily with a bit of collagen peptides in that daily cup of Joe!