Visiting our farmers in Mexico. How you really do make a difference.
Last week Meiling and I visited some of the farmers in Nayarit Mexico where our Cleopatra Coffee is grown, harvested and produced. While we can't do this for all our coffee (yet) we have done it for some of them.
One of the most satisfying elements to our relationship with with our Mexican coffee growers is working with a co-operative that really looks out and helps the farmers. It's more of a direct trade deal that still protects the farmers best interest.
It was an amazing delight to visit the Pina Rustica Mill which is EXACTLY where our Cleopatra is processed. It was very rewarding to hand a bag of Cleopatra Coffee in a Catfight Bag to to the responsible farmers. They were delighted to see the full circle of their efforts.
We are going to get a little mushy here, so please bear with us. Greeting card moments are not usually our style, but this is worth passing on to you.
At one point Meiling needed to use the restroom, and so one of the farmers walked Meiling into their modest home. After washing her hands and leaving the bathroom she saw the farmer handing the bag of coffee to his elderly wheelchair bound grandmother. They exchanged a few words in Spanish smiled and raised their arms in victory.
We have said it before, but we will say it again.
Almost anytime you buy coffee, you are helping someone. Seeing it with our own eyes only solidified a belief we already had as a company.