50 Coffee Shops in 50 Days
One thing we never thought about when we started Catfight Coffee was space. We had plenty of space when we started, but as we grow and expand, we find ourselves in a position where we have to upgrade our facility. Thanks to you, our catfight crew, dreams that we never envisioned are materializing.
I guess needing more space as your company grows is pretty logical to most people, but going into our 3rd year with Catfight Coffee our growth is really beyond what we ever could have imagined. We thank you, our Catfight Crew for that.
Fortunately for us, my ‘day job’ is playing rock n’ roll. Touring has now kicked back up and is stronger than ever. We play major markets daily, and more than 90% of the shows are sold out. This tour is taking me across more than 30 states over about 50 days. I thought one way to take advantage of my travels was to do research on what I thought the ideal coffee shop would be. Just like the research we have put in for our coffee, we are putting the same effort and research into our new location. Not only that but I need a good place to break out my laptop and flesh out my daily Catfight duties. It’s also a great way for us to have a stronger presence on social media pages like Tik Tok.
There is an old saying, which escapes me. But it’s something along the lines of if you don’t like a place, don’t leave it or avoid it-change it. Change it from the inside. I’ve never been a huge fan of Tik Tok, but I understand its validity and know it’s a great place to gain a following. We feel like this is a great way for us to, perhaps change it from the inside.
Besides! What a fun challenge! I feel like the Anthony Bourdain of coffee! I’m asking the local stagehands at the venue, ‘Hey! What’s the best spot for coffee!’ and really getting a local perspective.
I'm trying everything from dessert drinks to exclusive single-origin pour-overs. Truck stop coffee, to coffee from the top of what was once the highest building in the world.
This will include the coffee shops we visited in Taiwan, Cambodia, and Thailand as well! Bringing the grand total to 5 different countries across 3 continents.
Shit...what if we ended this in Mexico? The last date of the tour is in LA...who knows?!?
Please join me on the Catfight Coffee Tik Tok page for this wild adventure!